Universal Snack Patrol

What makes a snack a snack?

Key components

1) Edible/ Drinkable
2) Not a full meal?
3) I think that’s enough rules

From Whence It Came

Apparently the word snack dates back to the 1400s and has had a variety of meanings  through the years. Depending on your level  of “hipness”, you may or may not be aware  that in the last 10 years a “snack” could be someone who you think looks good at that moment. Well, let me clear up what I don’t  believe are any misconceptions about us here at Universal Snack Patrol…that is NOT the type of snack we’re patrolling! 

Other definitions refer to dividing something into smaller portions to share, which is possibly the reason why snacks are most often thought of as smaller or not full meals. 

Why snacks are often viewed as in-between meals and if that is a good or bad thing I could not ascertain as there are far too many opinions on that as far as I can see. So, that being said, snack when you wanna snack (unless you’re a child under the care of loving parents, then please follow their guidelines…unless they’re sadists who believe black licorice is a good snack, then I’d suggest rebelling with all your might for your snack freedom! Just kidding, mostly)

So, what is a great snack? Something sweet like a candy bar, cookie, or cupcake? Maybe you get down with a saltier crowd and enjoy some chips, popcorn, nuts, or cheese? On a health kick or living a full on healthy lifestyle, huh? Perhaps some carrot or celery sticks with pita bread and hummus fits your bill? Could it possibly be something colder like ice cream, gelato, a shake, or even a smoothie? So many options for so many different tastes, time of day, seasons, etc!!! This is exactly why we’re here, in hopes of bringing people together to share unique snack finds, favorite snack recipes, and maybe to push some of us out of our comfort zone so as to open up and try something that we wouldn’t have thought of before. We’re here for the camaraderie and fun that should go along with food… especially snack food! So, thank you for checking us out, hope that you join in on the shenanigans, and remember, don’t be a Richard… unless that is your name.

Stay Fresh, Cheese Bags! 

Matt of of the USP 


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